Moana Learning Hub are a collaborative learning space, with 54 learners at Wainui Beach School in Gisborne, part of our Tairāwhiti cluster. The learners have been using Storybird for their digital quickwrites. When reading the blogpost on their class blog you will see that their topic for their quickwrite was 'There's a monster in my.....' and each person had the same 100 words to use. It is good to read the reflections of Storybird and the process of quickwrites from the teacher and learner perspective. This blogpost shows another way to share writing in an engaging way that is achievable for all.

Designing with Tinkercad
Liam and Kobe are Year 9 studenst at Greymouth High, part of our Toki Pounamu cluster on the West Coast. During term 4 Liam and Kobe have been learning about Robotics. On their individual blogs Liam and Kobe have written quality blogposts sharing what they have been doing as part of their Robotics learning. Liam and Kobe explain the learning that they needed to do, the processes they went through and reflections on their learning. Both Liam and Kobe have used Screencastify to share their Tikercad projects where they has created a Mars Lander as part of their learning process. Great blogposts to unpack Learn, Create, Share as part of the Digital Technologies|Hangaru Matihiko curriculum. You can also see by watching their Screencastify videos the various curriculum links that Tinkercad crosses over. Some incredible maths learning happening as well as problem solving, design and innovative thinking and persistence.
Creating 'Prove It' Screencastify Videos at Wainui Beach School
Moana Learning Hub are a collaborative learning space, with 54 learners at Wainui Beach School in Gisborne. Koka Ngaire & Matua Fergus are the teachers in this space. Koka Ngaire has role modelled using Screencastify and shared on their Class Blog to create an exemplar for students using this tool to provide evidence of their maths learning.
On Daniel's individual blog you can see an example of his 'prove it' Screencastify video showing the new math strategy - balance algebra equations to find unknown numbers, stage 7 - he has learnt. Check out the strategy Daniel has used to get his thinking down pre recording. Smart thinking!
If you are wanting instructions on how to use the pen tool in Screencastify, this is a good YouTube clip to check out and follow.
On Daniel's individual blog you can see an example of his 'prove it' Screencastify video showing the new math strategy - balance algebra equations to find unknown numbers, stage 7 - he has learnt. Check out the strategy Daniel has used to get his thinking down pre recording. Smart thinking!
If you are wanting instructions on how to use the pen tool in Screencastify, this is a good YouTube clip to check out and follow.
Digital Learning Objects,
Learn Create Share,
Year 4-6,
Year 7-8
The World is our Taonga
Meesha and Pyper are in a Year 5-8 class at St Patricks School in Greymouth, part of our Toki Pounamu cluster. As part of their inquiry they have been looking at Human Impact and one activity they have been working on is - The World in our Taonga. Learners were asked to create a digital learning object to share what they would personally do to help look after our world. Meesha and Pyper have created an interactive slideshow that has been shared on their class blog where you can see the instructions they were given and try out their interactive quiz. In their quiz they share their planning process, the aim of the game and the how to of the game before you begin to play. A blogpost well worth sharing with teachers/learners as they explore creative ways of sharing their learning.
Inspired by Banksy - Quinn's Art
Quinn is a Year 8 student at Matawai School in Gisborne, part of our Tairāwhiti cluster. Quinn has written a quality blogpost sharing his art inquiry on Banksy. In his blogspost Quinn has explained why he was inspired by Banksy, the process he used to create his masterpiece and a reflection on his work. You will notice by reading the comments on this blogpost, Quinn has also responded to questions of his readers and written quality replies to comments connecting him to his readers. This example would be perfect to use as part of the Manaiaklani Cybersmart Curriculum for both Smart Relationships - replying to a comment and Smart Footprint - writing a quality blogpost. Check out Quinn's blogpost and his art on this individual blog.
Learn Create Share,
Year 7-8
Quality Blog Comments - Smart Relationships in Action
Tufui is a Year 6 learner at Wesley Primary School, part of our Ako Hiko cluster in Auckand. As part of the Smart Relationships component of the Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum
Tufui has been learning about how to write a quality blog comment. Tufui has shared her learning using Google Drawing and has included a screenshot of the blogpost she commented on, the process she has used to construct her comment (positive, thoughtful, helpful, and added a question to make a connection) and her comment. A perfect example of sharing understanding of how to leave a quality blog comment for both teachers/learners. Check out Tufui's blog and see if you can match her quality comment with yours.
Tufui has been learning about how to write a quality blog comment. Tufui has shared her learning using Google Drawing and has included a screenshot of the blogpost she commented on, the process she has used to construct her comment (positive, thoughtful, helpful, and added a question to make a connection) and her comment. A perfect example of sharing understanding of how to leave a quality blog comment for both teachers/learners. Check out Tufui's blog and see if you can match her quality comment with yours.
Quality Blogpost - Sharing Art Learning
Richard is a Year 6 student at Waikowhai Primary, part of our Ako Hiko cluster in Auckland. Richard has written a quality blogpost on his individual blog sharing his artwork. In Richard's blogpost he has shared the process of his art, his reflection on his art, and his partners feedback on his art. Richard has also invited his readers to come along to the Waikowhai Primary Art Show. This blogpost would be beneficial to use as part of the Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum - Smart Footprint - Creating a Quality Blogpost.
Tufui's Creative Blog Profile
Tufui is a Year 6 learner at Wesley Primary School, part of our Ako Hiko cluster in Auckland. Tufui has shared her blog profile on her individual blog in a creative way. Tufui has used a combination of Google Slides, Screencastify and Incredibox to create an introduction of herself to her blog readers. This would be an excellent example to show teachers/learners as part of the Smart Footprint - Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum - creating a blog profile.
Creative Learners using Google Drawing
Google Drawing is often under-utilised within the Google Apps for Education site of tools. It an incredible tool for creating and I have been impressed with the work of learners from across our clusters as I explore their blogs. In our recent Manaiakalani Online Toolkits (Term 4 2018), two of our Facilitators offered presentations in Google Drawing. Both Vicki and Kelsey shared examples of Google Drawings created by student in their presentations.
How to Draw Like a Pro - Vicki Archer ( Te Reanga Ipurangi Ōtaki Cluster)
The Go Getter's Guide to Google Drawing - Kelsey Morgan (Uru Mānuka)
These students blogposts could be used to inspire your learners as to ways they can be creative and share their learning and talent in different ways using Google Drawing.
How to Draw Like a Pro - Vicki Archer ( Te Reanga Ipurangi Ōtaki Cluster)
The Go Getter's Guide to Google Drawing - Kelsey Morgan (Uru Mānuka)
These students blogposts could be used to inspire your learners as to ways they can be creative and share their learning and talent in different ways using Google Drawing.
Riley @ Gisborne Intermediate - Creative About Me
Tenille @ Gisborne Intermediate - Collaborative Art Project
Jaimie @ St Bernadettes School - Learning how to Trace a Dog
Nikita @ St Bernadettes School - Telling a Story with Animation using Google Drawings
Samuel @ Ōtaki School - Blog Profile Picture
Riley @ Gisborne Intermediate - Creating a Cybersmart Character
Kelsey has also created 12 step by step 'how to' videos which can be accessed through her presentation (slide 7). The recordings of both of these toolkits can also be accessed at the bottom of the Online Toolkits site.
Focus on Shapes - Sharing Math Learning
Tane and Blake are year 5/6 learners at Awahono School in Greymouth, part of the Toki Pounmau cluster. They have been working together to learn about the names of shapes and maths vocabulary around describing shapes. They have shared their understanding by using Screencastify to record themselves on their chromebook. This is a very simple but effective way to share learning. It is a great example to share with teachers/learners new to 1-1 learning environments to show the simple ways students can record and share their learning. This is perfect evidence of Tane and Blakes understanding of shapes. Check out their video on Tane's blog. Remember to leave Tane and Blake a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.
Creating Maths Games
Layken is a student at Grey Main School, part of the Toki Pounamu cluster on the West Coast. Layken has been learning about place value and has created a maths game to share his learning. Check out Layken's game on his individual blog - have a go and putting in the correct and incorrect answers so you can see what happens in each situation. Don't forget to leave Layken a comment. A great example of sharing learning in a different way and creating a rewindable resource for other learners to use.
Digital Learning Objects,
Learn Create Share,
Year 4-6
Step by Step Instructions for Stop Motion Animation
Team Maunga are a creative class of Year 1 and 2 learners at Ohaeawai School, part of the Kaikohekohe Cluster. In a previous blogpost on their class blog they have been learning how to create Stop Motion movies with the Stop Motion App for iPads. On their most recent blogpost, they have put together a movie sharing their step by step instructions for creating a Stop Motion movie. They have provided other teacher/learners with very clear steps and recorded the scenes to share each step using iMovie. This is a fantastic example of our youngest learners explaining their learning in a creative way as well as demonstrating the use of Stop Motion animation. Head on over to their class blog and leave them a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.
Credit - +Kariene Gardner and team
Sphero the Robot
Manukau are a class of Year 5 and 6 learners at Waikowhai School, part of the Ako Hiko cluster in Auckland. They are lucky enough to have Sphero Robots at school and are working hard on coding challenges. The blogpost on their class blog shares the challenge they were trying to achieve with Sphero and video clips of their groups working together collaboratively to solve the problems. This is a great example of integrating the new Digital Technologies|Hangarau Matihiko curriculum into a learning environment.
Credit +Matt Riceman
Learn Create Share,
Multi Modal,
Using Flipgrid for Introductions
Hamish Ward's class are a group of year 5 and 6 learners at Papakura Central School, part of the Kootuitui cluster in Auckland. In this blogpost they have used Flipgrid to introduce themselves as learners. This would be a great way of building relationships and getting to know learners at the beginning of the year. It has been very beneficial as part of our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu blogging programme. Flipgrid can be used for students to record their learning and/or their thinking as part of the everyday curriculum and shared on class/individual blogs easily.
There is also a great example of Flipgrid for recording what learners know about an inquiry topic on Kumara's Schools Room 1 class blog.
There is also a great example of Flipgrid for recording what learners know about an inquiry topic on Kumara's Schools Room 1 class blog.
The Story of Hineahuone - Using Comic Strips
Ofa and Fraidoon are Year 7/8 learners at Panmure Bridge School, part of the Manaiakalani cluster in Auckland. They have been learning about the human body and as part of this inquiry have created a storyboard about the story of Hineahuone - the first women created (based on Māori beliefs). They have used a comic style storyboard to retell their story in a creative way. Head over to their class blog to read more about it and leave them a comment.

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