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Creating a Digital Mihi in Te Reo Māori

The learners from Galilee, a learning hub of year 4-8 children, at St Patricks in Greymouth have been learning to introduce themselves in Te Reo Māori as well as share information about their whānau. To do this, they have created a digital mihi, firstly through writing on a Google Doc and then by creating a visual mihi.

The process is very clear in the Google Slides on the Hubs Google Site.  You will see learners were given opportunities to listen to mihi, follow a template to create their template OR if they had previously created their mihi, an advanced option was given.  Learners were then encouraged to learn their mihi.  The next part of the process was to create a visual mihi with, again with examples shared. The final part of the process was encouraging learners to share their mihi with a buddy for feedback and finally on their individual blog.  

mihi visual.jpg
A visual example of Mrs Bellis's mihi
Credit - Roz, Rory and Kylie - St Patricks Greymouth

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